Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A pair for my sock

This is a long story…
The very first thing I’ve ever knitted were socks to my granny. The second, were socks to my best friend… That’s when I decided to make socks for myself.

I had a big amount of stash left from my friend’s socks, and I thought it would be enough to make socks for myself. I was young and innocent, and very slow knitter. When I finally got one sock done, I noticed there wasn’t enough for another one… and Novita had discontinued the yarn color.
For 4 years I had that lonely sock waiting for it’s unfolded destiny, on my yarn basket. Until the day I learned of Ravelry.
Ravelry is an awesome website which is like a community for knitters. There you can publish your projects pictures and data, and like, if you are following a certain pattern, you can link your project to everybody else's projects on the same pattern. You can exchange ideas about patterns, yarns, whatever you like. You can publish your own patterns, you can have other users patterns for free, or for sale... Ravelry is like knitters heaven.
 The one beautiful day I saw a Finnish lady nicknamed Mohariina had that very same pink-green-blue-orange yarn on her stash list. I got in touch with her, she said she had no plans for the yarn, and that she was happy to help me finishing my pair of socks. She sold it really cheap (it was almost just the mailing costs), and in a couple of days, here it was:

And may this project restart!
€=== hugs ===3

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